Nothing About Us Without Us!
Achieving Maximum Potential
“Nothing About Us, Without Us”
Achieving Maximum Potential (AMP) is Iowa’s Foster Care Youth Council that meets in Councils throughout the state. AMP seeks to unleash the full potential for personal growth among Iowa’s foster youth ages 13-22. Together, we provide opportunities to build life and leadership skills while advocating for positive change to Iowa’s child welfare system.
AMP 2025 Annual Conference
Day On The Hill 2025
On January 30th, many legislators, HHS staff, child welfare agencies and 30 youth from across the state came together to support Iowa's foster youth. Members from Iowa's foster care youth council, known as AMP (Achieving Maximum Potential), shared their experiences in foster care and advocated for improvements to the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice system. Check out AMP's website at for more information on AMP's 2025 advocacy priorities.
We are so glad you found our page, WELCOME!
JOIN US ANYTIME at Virtual AMP Meetings!
In AMP our goal is to empower youth to use their voices to improve the child welfare system while helping them learn and strengthen skills that lead to success. Check out some of our AMP Alumni Stories and celebrate their growth and success!

Who we are:
AMP is for youth ages 13-23 who are currently in foster care, been adopted from foster care, or are involved in any other type of out-of-home placement. We are Iowa’s Foster Care Youth Council and meet as local Councils throughout the state.
What we do:
AMP provides youth a safe and fun place to meet with their peers to learn leadership skills, life skills, resources, and connections that will help them as they step into adulthood. AMP also impacts direct change to Iowa’s child welfare system through advocacy and education. Check out our Legislative Program for more information.
Connect with AMP:
Follow us on social media using the icons at the top right corner of the page and find how to get connected with your local AMP Council below!

Check out our current grant opportunities for youth below!
Dream Seed
Dream Seed grants up to $300 toward your dream as you transition to adulthood! This could be anything from strengthening a skill, learning a new skill, or investing in necessary equipment. The dream is yours!
-Iowa youth age 16 and older involved in AMP or Aftercare
-The 2022 Dream Seed application deadline is November 4, 2022 and recipients will be notified by November 18th, 2022
If you are wanting to apply after this grant is closed, check back Fall 2023 for next year’s round!
Foster Funds
Foster Funds is a reimbursement grant of up to $300 for youth in any out-of-home placement meant to meet pretty much any need other than medical expenses.
-Iowa youth in any out-of-home placement where they are deemed a “foster youth” or their care provider receives a foster care stipend
-This grant is meant for the youth every item or opportunity granted must accompany the youth if they were to leave their current placement
-Because this is a reimbursement grant, all receipts must be included with the application or the application will not be processed
-Applications are accepted year-round and granted at AMP’s sole discretion; some applications may not be awarded.
Apply below!
Kinship Funds
Kinship Funds is a reimbursement grant of up to $300 for youth in any type of kinship placement where the care provider is not receiving a foster care stipend.
-Iowa child age 0-18 in any out-of-home kinship placement where their care provider does not receive a foster care stipend
-The grant is meant for youth and any item or opportunity granted must accompany the youth if they are to leave their current placement
-Restrictions apply and not all opportunities and experiences are eligibility. Please see application for details.
Grants are available as funding allows
This grant is currently closed.